Thursday 1 December 2016

Naming Prefixes

Greek Prefixes
 number   prefix    secondary prefix
 1 mono
 2 dibis 
 3 tritris 
 4 tetratetrakis 
 5 pentapentakis 
 6 hexahexakis 
 7 hepta heptakis
 8 octaoctakis 
 9 nonanonakis 
 10 decadecakis 

Latin Prefixes
 number   prefix

Carbon Chain Length
 Number of Carbon atomsprefix 

Carbon-Carbon Bond Infix
 Nature of C-C bonds in chaininfix 
single bonds-an- 
at least one double bond-en- 
at least one triple bond-yn- 

Functional Group Suffix
 Class of compoundsuffix 
 carboxylic acid-oic acid 

Nature of Attachment
 Nature of C-C bonds in chain prefix
attachment through secondary carbon s- or sec-
attachment through a tertiary carbon atom  t- or tert-
a 2-methyl chain (except isoleucine) i- or iso-
-CH2-C(CH3)3 neo-
normal/straight chain/aliphatic n-
ring cyclo-

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